The director of "Devil May Cry 5" wants to work on a suite of "rival schools"


While Capcom has done a good job of bringing back its franchises (including things like Okami HD and Onimusha Warlords), there are some we have not seen years. And if Devil May Cry 5 The director Hideaki Itsuno made his way, we would see them all make a reminder.

Rival schools

While talk with DualShockersItsuno has expressed its desire to follow up on franchises we have not seen for a long time. No, we mean like the Dreamcast Era. Yeah, it's been a long time.

When the interviewer asked him what he would like to work on, Itsuno, speaking with the help of producer Matt Walker (translator), said, "If I were allowed, I would love Rival schools 3I would love to do Dragon's Dogma 2, Capcom vs. SNK 3, Street Fighter Alpha 4 and Power Stone 3… if I could, even Street Fighter 6 It would be incredible. "

A franchise, however, stands out the most. "But the big … the one we need to find a solution for is Rival schoolsbecause in Japan there are three years of high school. We saw the first two years for these children, so the third would be their last year in high school. Would not it be cool? You finish the graduation ceremony.

Rival schools debuted for the PlayStation in 1998 and became a big hit with the public. Capcom has since followed a sequel on Sega Dreamcast, in the form of Justice Project. But since then, we have not seen much of the show, and seeing her return would make us extremely happy. That and Power stone would be nice.

You can see Rival schools in action in the images below.

The interviewer then asked if Itsuno Is have a chance to work with Rival schools again, that we could have a chance to play here on the western shores. He simply noted, "If ever we had the opportunity, it would be the goal."

Hopefully this little retro resurgence that Capcom is going through continues, as Collection of rival schools or even a Power Stone Collection would probably be welcome on the consoles, especially the Nintendo switch. For the moment, the company already has a full plate. But with the E3 2019 around the corner, they will have to announce Something again, so keep those hopes.

Meanwhile, the latest project of Isuno, The devil can cry 5, Released March 8, 2019 for Xbox One, PlayStation 4 and PC.

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