The Elder Scrolls 6 Trailer showed where the game is set, but can we understand it?


At the end of the Bethesda E3 press conference, the only thing we could talk about for a while was The Elder Scrolls 6 . What was it? How would it be? Would it still be a solo game? What would be the size? When would it come out? And most importantly, where would it take place? These questions are ubiquitous in the minds of players and journalists since Bethesda teased the game at the end of the press conference. The creative director, Todd Howard, finally broke his silence about The Elder Scrolls teaser revealing that what was featured in the trailer was part of the game, which gave a lot of Players now, dissecting and arguing while trying to understand where he is exactly.

Speaking with Eurogamer at the Gamelab event taking place in Barcelona, ​​Spain, creative director Todd Howard gave the players a clue about The Elder Scrolls 6 and where it's going. is settled, saying …

Okay, so let's add some context here. What Howard is talking about is that the first thing the team is working on is the game world. And we know that a rough idea of ​​the world has been fleshed out because Howard revealed during from the E3 interview with Geoff Keighley that The Elder Scrolls 6 is already in pre-production. The team already has a playable version of Starfield ready, but only the very first debut of the next Elder Scrolls are in progress.

However, thanks to what Howard told Eurogamer, we now know that Bethesda far enough in the pre-production phase of development that the team has fleshed out the location of the world and that the Environment on the display in the trailer is representative of the location where the game will be put. [19659005Thismeansthattheplayersarequiteenthusiasticcouldbeabletodeterminethelocationofafewpointsinthetrailer

Since The Elder Scrolls is a sprawling world with lots of landmass. and tons of locations, trying to locate exactly the area based only on the small area on the display in the trailer is going to be a big task for even the most ardent of the detectives.

However, players are already on the discovery of the location and understand where exactly The Elder Scrolls 6 will be located. The last game took place in Skyrim a few centuries after the events of The Elder Scrolls 4: Oblivion .

Whether or not the new game moves forward in time The return in time will not be revealed anytime soon, but you will probably need to keep an eye after Fallout 76 will launch for Other news from Bethesda on the upcoming game.

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