The EU has approved Apple's purchase of Shazam, eliminating the last major hurdle to the deal


The European Union has agreed to the acquisition of Apple Shazam after launching an investigation into the deal at the beginning of the year due to fears that this purchase may be anti-competitive, via Reuters.

After months of investigations, the committee concluded that this would not be the case. "After a thorough analysis of Shazam's user and music data, we found that their acquisition by Apple would not reduce competition in the digital music streaming market," said Margrethe Vestager, European Commissioner for Competition.

The initial concerns of the European Commission were whether Apple could only allow Shazam to connect to Apple Music after the purchase, thereby depriving services such as Spotify of valuable clicks or using Shazam's data to better encourage them to switch to Apple. The music."

Apple announced for the first time that it would buy Shazam as part of a $ 400 million deal in December 2017. With this last hurdle to go, it is likely that Apple is not able to finalize the deal .

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