The Fallout 76 players launched so many nuclear weapons at the same time that they crashed against one server


After launching the first rocket in the world last week, a group of Fallout 76 the players wanted to do an experiment. What would happen if they launched several nuclear weapons at the same time? It turns out that blowing up too many bombs will overload the game.

Nuclear weapons, Fallout's raiding, is a mechanism that allows players to turn a location so that it generates higher level enemies with better loot. Defining a locale is not supposed to be easy: you have to collect several randomly generated codes, and then you need to find an encryption to use these codes. Some players, however, have automated the encryption process in addition to amassing a lot of codes by playing a lot. So now Fallout 76 Players must decide whether to unload their payload on the card.

This is a decision that affects many players and does not come lightly. Already, many are reporting explosions of nuclear weapons in Morgantown, one of the first places visited by players after the start of the game. Needless to say, unprepared players can not handle the tough monsters that Fallout 76 generates in a nuclear landing zone. Fortunately, the game warns residents before a nuclear weapon goes off at a specific location.

YouTuber Nickaroo93 and his team launched three nuclear weapons at a time this weekend. Seconds later, they were evicted from the server. The game stopped responding:

The server failure was not a surprise for the crew. In the clip, they make the assumption that it could happen. Still, the gang wanted to see it for themselves, said Nickaroo93 The edge.

"There are three sites in the game from which you can launch nuclear weapons. So we originally wanted to know if it was possible to launch nuclear weapons from each of the sites, "said Nickaroo93. "When we discovered that it was possible, we decided to launch them in the same area immediately."

Since the announcement, the concern is raising a lot of concern and the question of whether players can take advantage of their power to overwhelm others on a server. And while it's true that Nickaroo's group93 now has enough influence to influence everyone's game on its server, they do not necessarily think that the mechanism is unbalanced.

"Personally, I do not see this as an abuse," said Nickaroo93. "If a player is on a server at the launch of the nuclear weapon and does not want to take care of it, he can just leave his world and join another one, every time I see someone." a throw a new weapon while I was playing, I was excited at the prospect of exploring something new! "

He thinks, however, that Bethesda can improve the nuking mechanism. In the current state of things, players can simply collect a nuclear magnetic card and then generate online code via a website, which can apparently be done in about an hour when you're at a high enough level, says Nickaroo93 . Bethesda seems poised to tweak the nuclear mechanism: this morning, a patch came out that corrected a problem with the way the game is giving up nuclear codes. For the moment, however, the Nickaroo93 team will continue its nuclear experiments.

"We now want to launch nuclear weapons in three different regions of the map to see if the servers can handle the load," said Nickaroo93. "The idea of ​​exploring three different irradiated areas seems incredible and we hope it will be possible."

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