We are a few hours from the launch of the Pixel Ultra 3 and 3 XL and with so many leaks, we wonder if there will be any surprises. Since none of the latest filtered devices had any final software so far, we were hoping Google would introduce new things to introduce, especially with regards to imaging. A new report instead shows these hopes, revealing the features of the Pixel 3's camera.

According to our 9to5Google friends, the Pixel 3 will take advantage of artificial intelligence for new modes to help you get the best photo possible. A feature called Top Shot will allow you to take multiple images in a burst through device-based automatic learning, which will help you choose the top image. A special prompt appears, titled "Smart Capture Available", with small dots above the resulting images, indicating which ones, according to Google Camera, are the most attractive, that is, those with eyes. open or a good smile.

In the same spirit, a feature called Photobooth will also use the AI ​​to get the best shot, except that it will work more in the Google Clips image. Set your Pixel 3 somewhere and it will take pictures when something interesting happens or when all the subjects are lined up and look at the camera. It sounds like a selfie timer that knows exactly when to press the shutter button for you, but it will also offer you a whole range of images.

An AI zoom feature potentially called Super Res Zoom should also be unveiled today. There are not really any more details about this, but it looks like there will be artificial details and an emphasis beyond what the normal zoom function can achieve. This latest report again mentions that one of the two front-facing cameras will have a wide-angle lens for larger selfies. Finally, a feature of autofocus with subject tracking is also provided, which would be very convenient.

With all that the Google Camera app can already do on a pixel as well as these new features, the Pixel 3 Camera re-announces it as the most alluring aspect of the phone. We already knew that he would support Google Lens analysis in real time, and now it seems that we all know his other secrets. We will know for sure later in the day, the livestream starting at 8:00 CET / 11:00 EDT / 16:00 MST.