The first DLC of Shadow Of The Tomb Raider adds puzzle solving in cooperation


We have just separated from Crystal Dynamics, Eidos Montreal and Square Enix from the release of Shadow of the Tomb Raider for PC, PS4 and Xbox One, but the game is already ready to receive its first major add-on downloadable content that adds something more to the overall experience. The sweet and spicy expansion brings a whole new cooperative puzzle solving experience to Shadow of the Tomb Raider, which is sure to give the puzzle fanatics something thorny, and it might even encourage those who are not used to puzzle games to try the game if a friend convinces them that the game Cooperative is worth watching.

On the official Tomb Raider website, you'll find an article about the new downloadable content called The Forge. This will be the first of seven new downloadable content packs planned for the third-person action-adventure title. La Forge, however, will not be a premium piece of downloadable content when it is launched. You can get it for free on Xbox One, Xbox One X, PS4 and Windows for PC from November 13th. That's right, you will be able to get the DLC for free. The rest of the DLC packs will be charged at the highest price unless you purchase the season pass.

The content pack will come with a brand new trip to a new grave called Kuwaq Yaku. It is a forge filled with lava that housed the ancient fallen gods. And yes, the tomb will be playable solo or in cooperation with a second player.

The new downloadable content will also come with new costumes and new weapons, including a new Brocken outfit, a brand new Grenadier skill and the Umbrage 3-80 weapon. There are some screenshots of the new downloadable content, but none of these screenshots show the new weapon or equipment Shadow of the Tomb Raider DLC.

The screenshots however show who will be the second player and what the scene will look like. It seems that the players assume the role of Jonah's lover, Abby. We see that she still wears the red and white baseball cap and the short-sleeved leather jacket. What we do not know is if there will be cooperative mechanisms similar to games like this one. An army of two or An exitwhere both players will have to work together to achieve certain goals or if it is simply a setup where two players are on the same card at the same time.

Anyway, The Forge will be the first of seven monthly DLC packs to be launched for Shadow of the Tomb Raider. The content will focus on locations around the city of Paititi, one of the central locations presented during the game's main campaign.

Each of the DLC packs will come with new weapons, new outfits to gather or make and new skills to use by Lara. I also wonder if the second player will share Lara's skills or if players will have to unlock new abilities for them separately?

I'm sure once the downloadable content disappears, we'll know more about how it all works with cooperative mode and progression. Shadow of the Tomb Raider is available now on Xbox One, PS4 and PC, and the first DLC will be available from November 13th.

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