The first in-game event of the game – Assassin's Creed Odyssey & # 39; s canceled, here's why


While many still simply enjoy the magnificent world like Alexios or Kassandra in Assassin's Creed Odyssey, those looking for an extra challenge with the first live event of the game will have to wait a little longer.

Ubisoft has served Twitter's official last title to inform players of the change of direction. And honestly, they added a cheeky addition: if you saw Kassandra's muscles, you'd laugh too:

The aforementioned event was scheduled to take place on the 16th and the players saw the memo when they first logged in to the game. But at that moment nobody found it and we now know why.

No worries for those who are looking forward to defeating Damais the Indifferent, as Ubisoft has announced that a new patch would soon be available for Xbox One and PlayStation 4, which aims to address the stability issues caused by the previous update. For live events, this feature is scheduled for October 23!

Regarding the patch, Ubisoft did not explain exactly what the corrections would be, it will be satisfied "to improve the stability of the game" and to solve the problems that caused crashes on the consoles – what we met many times ourselves. This will be posted tomorrow and will be a small update, so minimal wait!

Assassin's Creed Odyssey is now available on Xbox One, PlayStation 4 and PC. Want to see exactly why we had such praise for the last game? Check out our full review right here, as well as a small introductory text below:

"In all, Assassin's Creed Odyssey is a game changer for the franchise. Visually, narratively, historically, there is nothing that I would like to change. Maybe my interior Dragon Age The lover would have loved to customize the look of my Kassandra, but it's a ridiculous little "What if" that has not spoiled my pleasure.

The story was exciting, sometimes heartbreaking and progressive, which allowed me to stay engaged. Dynamic, immersive and filled with choices, consequences and the tumultuous tale of human love, loss and lessons learned. "

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