The Fortnite Cube destroys the craziest building in the game


Last month, the giant flaw of FortniteThe sky closed and spat out a giant alien cube that is stamping around the map. Players eagerly watch each new move, wondering what will happen when it finally stops. The last route of the cube went through Tilted Towers, where he destroyed what could be FortniteThe most unpleasant building.

FortniteThe map has undergone radical changes since a comet appeared in the sky and crashed in May. Since then, a massive rocket launch has caused a crack in the sky and breaks in time to alter massive parts of the game world. This crack sealed, only for a massive alien cube to start roaming the map. She crushes anything that comes into contact with her and leaves behind glowing glyphs that deform gravity. In a strange comedy of errors, it is now a small store of Tilted Towers. It's a store that has spent most of the season recovering from a meteorite strike.

The building in question is a sporting goods store that had just opened up after being slowly rebuilt during season five. It was finished on September 6th and still had banners announcing the next ribbon cutting ceremony. Previously, another building of this same site had been destroyed by the end of the third season, when a rogue meteor had landed there. Whoever owns this property in FortniteThe vaguely implicit knowledge better have good insurance.

The irony of the situation has not been lost for the gaming community.

"Watch it become a permanent joke. Every season, this building will be rebuilt and destroyed, "said a player on Reddit.

"I'd love this as a series of cartoon-style jokes where really unlikely and elaborate bullshit is hitting [the building] down, "said another.

The cube is still moving, currently resting near the edge of Loot Lake. Most players assume that the cube will stop somewhere in the lake before activating it and … do something in time for season six next week. Meanwhile, it seems that anyone wishing to buy fishing rods in the sloping towers will have to look elsewhere.

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