The Fortnite Cube just melted and everyone on Twitter is panicking


The mysterious violet cube of Fortnite has finally stopped moving. He ended up falling in Loot Lake and melting. Nobody really knows why or anything.

One can guess what is happening at Fortnite. A few weeks ago, a giant purple flaw in the sky started to shoot lightning and destroy cacti. The final strike left a huge purple cube in the middle of the desert. Covered with strange bright symbols, the cube reacted differently depending on how players interacted with it.

A few weeks later, the cube started to move by itself and cross the map. He eventually splashed Lake Loot, where he quickly melted and filled the pristine waters with a mysterious purple goo. As you can imagine, this chain of events has both excited and baffled Fortnite players, who spoke on Twitter to discuss the latest developments.

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Michael Anderson (@ nminus1) immediately wanted to know what the new name of the lake should be. Loot Lake no longer seems to be the body of aquatic justice.

We think of Purple Pool or Leaping Lagoon. Why Leaping Lagoon? Because – like Martita (@MartitaaCano) discovered – the cube turned all the water into a giant trampoline.

Jumping into the pool is more than fun. @Bigus_Daddius discovered that bouncing on the lake in the basket can bring you very important rewards.

Whatever happens next, it seems like the cube is on its last legs before finally disappearing. Goodbye Fortnite Cube. We will miss you.

If you want to see the new lake yourself, jump into a royal battle round at Fortnite. The game is available on Xbox One, PS4, PC, Nintendo Switch, iOS and Android.

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