The four major US carriers are trying to get rid of application passwords


The four major US carriers are fighting a war on passwords and especially the need for a different password for each application you use on your phone. To this end, AT & T, Sprint, T-Mobile, and Verizon have joined forces to launch "Project Verify", a new approach to password management designed to make application access easier while keeping security running smoothly. your phone.

Project Verification was the first to be detected by Project Verge and although it is not yet available to customers. we have some details on how it will work. It seems that the idea is to use a number of authentication details only available to operators, in order to authenticate a user. These unique details include items such as phone number, IP address, SIM card details, phone account type, and so on.

Based on a video marketing project verify, it seems that the service will exist in the form of an application, allowing users to control and manage their passwords quickly and easily from their phone. This also puts the new service in direct competition with the likes of LastPass and 1Password.

Project Verify may have to answer some questions. For beginners, if the service uses your phone to authenticate, what happens if someone steals your phone? Presumably, phones are locked to fingerprints and PIN codes – but it's not uncommon to find someone's PIN.

Another important use of Verify, when launched, is that it could be the second factor of two-factor authentication – which would probably be a little more secure than SMS or email-based factors , like the mail of a verification code.

Carriers will also need to find ways to convince users to trust them. Carriers regularly rank among the most hated companies in the country and the trust is for many.

Nevertheless, we will probably learn more about Project Verify in general and the Project Verify application in the coming months. No specific timelines have yet been shared for the release of the service, but that will probably change soon. For an overview of the project, you can visit the new Project Verify website.

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