The Full Body trailer reveals a host of details, a special edition and … the Persona 5 crossover ?!


That's Qatherine & # 39; for you, buddy

Atlus has released a brand new trailer for the upcoming remake of this bizarre, sexy and breathtaking puzzle adventure Catherine: whole body. The four-minute long clip features footage from animated cinematics from the remake, machinima in-game, and platform puzzle sequences.

With the new video, the new pink haired star "Rin" has been officially nicknamed "Qatherine". In a weird new feature, several soundtracks have been added, allowing players to choose from Eleven different singers to play the role of the blonde temptress with blond hair. Bizarre. As previously announced, the new optional adjustments will give the player the ability to play the game fully with minimal effort. Go back, climb with a button, relaunch the puzzle, work.

A special edition has also been announced for Japan. The game will contain a copy of the game on PS4 or PS Vita, various in-game items, limited edition illustrations, a set of four-disc soundtracks and a 44-page artist's book, all in a new packaging magnificent.

Keeping the odd factor at a record level, Atlus also noted that Joker, protagonist of the super-popular RPG Persona 5, must be made available as a DLC character. The thief heart can be used in Catherine: Full Body & # 39; s Babel and Colosseum modes, while his comrades Phantom Thieves provide comments. You certainly have not seen this to come up

You can check out the new marketing reel below. I had a real kick from the 2001: an odyssey of space parody. Catherine: whole body Launch on PS4 and PS Vita in Japan on February 14, 2019. A western version is confirmed, but no date is still available.

Catherine: Full Body new trailer and details [Official / Gematsu]

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