The Galaxy S10 will not have Samsung's most revolutionary smartphone feature in 2019 – BGR


About a year ago, we learned that the Samsung Advanced Technology Institute (SAIT) had developed a "graphene ball" that could be used to charge lithium-ion batteries even faster and faster. last longer. This type of technology is expected to be coming next year, although the Galaxy S10 is unfortunately not equipped with graphene batteries.

A rough translation of a Weibo publication indicates that a graphene battery (ie a lithium-ion battery using graphene) takes only 10 minutes to reach full charge and can hold 45% more energy in cells of the same size as a traditional lithium battery. The post office could even operate at high temperatures safely, the message adds.

Samsung phones already support fast cable charging, but this graphene battery technology would significantly reduce charge times. Unfortunately, you should not be too excited about it for now. The famous Samsung insider, Ice Universe, said on Twitter that he did not expect the technology to be commercially available soon enough to be included in the next Samsung Galaxy S10 series.

He added that when it is ready for phones and cars, it will be a breakthrough.

If the Galaxy S10 does not receive a graphene battery but Samsung plans to use this technology next year, the Galaxy Note 10 may well be the next candidate. On the other hand, launching a new battery technology on a Galaxy Note is perhaps not the smartest solution. Note 7 may seem like a distant memory, but we can not help but think of Samsung's bad product in 2016 every time we hear about batteries in Samsung phones.

It should also be noted the transition from Samsung to midrange devices. The company confirmed a few weeks ago that it was going to launch new smartphone features on midrange phones rather than just flagship products, as it had already done in recent weeks. In less than a month, the company launched its first phone equipped with a triple – lens camera, followed by the first Samsung phone with four cameras at the back.

Huawei, for its part, has already unveiled a phone using graphene, but the graphene layer of the Mate 20 X game phone is designed to help dissipate heat faster. It has nothing to do with the battery.

Source of image: Zach Epstein, BGR

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