The game video "Anthem" presents the ultimate abilities, first mission


Since Paris Games Week is underway, we are likely to see new and highly anticipated titles for 2018. And Electronic Arts, with BioWare, is already operational in the field with Anthem, in his recent livestream, presents a brand new gameplay from the next action / adventure title.

In the video you can see above, we have an overview of the ultimate abilities that your character will be able to use, as well as the first mission in general.

Two members of the team explain the characteristics of the video, starting with a camp where you can spend time with your fellow soldiers. After activating a signal to keep an eye on the opponents, you begin to take off, then you have the option to activate your ultimate ability by pressing the D-pad. These are likely to vary between characters, but this one seems to give you a boost of speed.

The video was posted by Arekkz Gaming, who probably recorded the live feed as is, and comments on what is going on in the game. This looks pretty good so far, however, especially when your arm ignites as part of your armor.

There is also a moment where you see big fights in the game, where you can use your weapon and armor to defeat enemies before they attempt to get around an area they are trying to take.

Other narrators take control midway and talk more about the depth of the game as you move with your flying abilities.

Everything deserves a watch because it reveals a new facet of the game – and can even remind you Mass Effect regarding his target over the shoulder.

EA already has another livestream scheduled for later this week, where he will show the visual power of Anthem with even more gameplay. We will keep you informed of what will be shown. Until then, however, the game definitely looks nice, especially as the enemies come on the scene and trigger devastating attacks.

Anthem is due out on February 22, 2019 on Xbox One, PlayStation 4 and Origin PC.

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