The Google Assistant makeover focuses on touch interactions on your phone


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Google Assistant opens up to new forms of communication. As early as today, when you access Google Assistant on your phone, you get additional visuals and new methods of tactile interaction. Google announces the changes via a blog Wednesday as the company prepares for its Made by Google event on October 9th.

Initially deployed as a voice assistant, Google Assistant will still respond to the same wealth of voice commands. But with this update, find out about the weather and you'll see great visuals showing your local forecasts. You will see pictures of local restaurants when looking for a place to eat. Ask him to turn on your smart lights compatible with Google Assistant and you will see buttons and sliders to fine tune the brightness or color settings.

Most of the changes will apply to Google Assistant built into Android phones and the Google Assistant app on iOS. Android users will benefit from a daily overview if you swipe the screen once the wizard is activated.

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Google is also launching a new set of development tools so businesses can better take advantage of your phone's screen. Starbucks will offer thumbnails of the recommended menu items. Fitstar will help you develop GIFs for various exercises. Third-party developers may also sell digital products to you through voice interaction.

You have been able to buy with Google Assistant for quite some time and buy products such as groceries from different retailers. These new development tools will help businesses sell you items such as upgrades, subscriptions, and extensions through Google Assistant. Google can check your purchases with voice recognition, but this voice recognition is not foolproofso be careful before activating this type of purchase. Hopefully, developers will not start locking good voice capabilities behind a paywall.

Aside from the possible emergence of more paid content, Google's upgraded Wizard seems helpful and familiar. Google's current smart screens – the Lenovo Smart Display and JBL Link View – both have a similar system of using visuals and touch controls to complete voice interactions. Smart home controls, meteorological readings and more from the new mobile assistant look exactly the same as on smart screens.

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Google must have received a good feedback on the interactions with these smart screens. Indeed, CNET has examined both positively. The similarity could actually be useful because you can now interact with your phone and your smart screen in the same way without having to learn two different systems. Google Assistant is a competent voice assistant for some time and he is getting better and better with other forms of communication.

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