The Google Podcasts for Android app now has 250,000 US users


In short: The Google Podcasts Android app now has 250,000 monthly active users in the US and is growing steadily, according to third-party data from AndroidHeadlines. The Digital Insight service estimates that the tool is currently installed on more than half a million Android devices in the country, of which about 15% (78,000) use it daily. Its number of active weekly users surpassed 181,000 last Sunday, with the app being launched 2.2 times a day on average. Compared to last month, Google Podcasts has 115,000 new installations and 47,000 additional active users, according to the same source.

Context: Google was relatively late on the podcast game and only released its dedicated mobile solution in the segment in June. The app's Play Store list reveals that it already has more than one million installations worldwide, although consumer reception has been corrected so far, with an average score of 3.4 stars based on more than 14,000 reviews. Most of the public complaints are about bugs and a confusing user interface, Google's application projects are still unclear, the company has not responded quickly to these issues and no major updates have been made. has been distributed since its beginnings in June. Google Assistant's native support remains one of the key selling points for Google podcasts, though this feature still lacks accuracy and consistency, according to hundreds of user comments associated with its Play Store listing.

Impact: Despite slow updates and performance issues, Google's mobile podcast solution is gradually gaining popularity in the United States and has now increased its base of installations by nearly 400% compared to the first month of the year. commercial availability. The company's long-term plans for this tool have not been released yet, but the momentum it currently generates makes it unlikely that the Alphabet subsidiary will soon end the project.

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