The graphic video & # 39; Fallout 76 & # 39; Xbox One X revealed


The gameplay is officially released for Fallout 76, Although some fans of the Bethesda franchise have been less impressed by the graphics shown so far. But what does the game look like on high-end platforms such as Xbox One X, PlayStation 4 Pro and Class A computers? Digital Foundry is here to answer at least one of these questions.

Keep in mind that these images are images "very far ahead of the work in progress" and do not necessarily reflect what we will see at launch. The video above plunges deep into the graphic traps, successes and how the creative engine has evolved for the Bethesda team.

The player counts in Fallout 76 is not at the MMO level, as the video also explains, but it's still an online game that is always a new field for the team behind the Fall franchise.

The video also discusses how gameplay mechanics are geared to those who want to play solo, something we also share with our real time with the upcoming title.

Although the graphics have been described as rough, it has sometimes been a great experience. Had the habit of Fall Games where everything is already completely destroyed, by the trip through West Virginia is truly magnificent with lush vegetation and inviting waters.

In the same vein of the environment and its appearance via Wasteland, this may seem obvious, but could easily have been overlooked. Nuclear weapons will change region over time; wildlife will change, monsters will change, and more radiation will occur.

That said, do not expect easy progression. Bethesda did not want newcomers to enter the game months or years after launching in a Wasteland of terrible proportions. Fallout 76 is really beautiful and so that everyone can experience this beauty, the affected change will be the place where nuclear weapons will fire – not the entire map.

It remains to be seen what will be the impact on performance, but it is interesting to hear Digital Foundry describe where the graphics are currently and how they hope to see them evolve at launch.

We have tons of Fallout 76 the cover is flowing! To keep up to date with the latest news, check out our full community center here to stay informed 24 hours a day, 7 days a week! As for the game itself, the next entry in the Fall The series will debut November 14 on Xbox One, PS4 and PC.

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