The highs and lows of the week in PC games


The hights

Chris Livingston: Bring me home

Well, I played at Fallout 76 during an event in Bethesda, West Virginia, which led to exploring the location of the event – the Greenbrier Resort – in the game itself, while we were sitting playing. Bizarre! But memorable. Austin and me had a lot of thoughts on Fallout 76and many bookings (VATS is not great, for example), but eventually it's funny. This is not Fallout 5, but there is something for fans of Bethesda's solo games, Fallout.

The question is, for how long? What will bring players back for months after their release? We will not be able to start answering this question before Fallout 76 beta later this month, followed by the launch in November.

Tom Senior: cemetery of animals

We have updated our list of awesome free pc games this week. It is full of old classic games that have become free, and offers some good free choices with reasonable microtransactions. My favorite entries are the strangest ones. We have added Cyberpet Cemetery "strange and surprising" because it corresponds to both descriptions.

The game is a collection of files containing pretty little pets that you run as an exe. files. One of them drifts around the screen and gets in your way. Another launches fragments of barf – each with its own clickable window – all over the office. In the files you will find a text adventure and many small text files offering clues to a larger story. It's so new and fun, and a reminder that games can be structured in an unusual way.

Joe Donnelly: GTA Fiiiine

As you may already know, I'm a sucker for the Grand Theft Auto 5 visual review mods. The L00 moderator has launched this week PhotoRealistic San Andreas, a project that should challenge the best mods of GTA 5 ENB. Considered an "all-in-one and sophisticated visual booster," PRSA is compatible with all weather and lighting mods, and relies on custom shaders to "deliver the most natural visuals and realistic possible ". The proof is in the pudding, in my opinion, the best enhancement by the gallery of images presented right here. If you feel like it, take PRSA in its respective directories. Nexus Mods or GTA5 Mods pages. You will not regret it.

Samuel Roberts: monitored

I like that developers are unveiling new games at this time of year. This is a nice break from the assault news on the big games released during the silly season. This week, a follow – up that I had been waiting for some time has broken off at the shelter. Observation – not to be confused with The Observer with Rutger Hauer, as I have done several times this week – is a game in which you control a sensitive AI on a space station. The trailer is a kind of cross between Alien: Isolation, Prey and No Code's Untold Stories.

If it sounds like your kind of thing, it's worth it read more about it. I loved Untold Stories and I can not wait to see how No Code sits on it.

Steven Messner: Command and remastering

I was among the masses who groaned audibly when EA announced that their new surprising game Command and Conquer was a spin-off mobile at E3 this summer. Despite Tom says it's actually pretty good, I'm not the only one desperate for EA to give us what we Actually wanted: an appropriate payment.

The reaction was rather strong, apparently, because this week, EA visited the Command and Conquer subreddit tell everyone that they are listening and find the best way to meet this apparent demand for a new RTS game. EA made it clear that a new game was not planned, but that it "explores" ways to remaster the old games, which suits me perfectly. Having a Red Alert 2 remastered to play would be great, and I'd be happy to play that while waiting to hear if EA really wants to meet the demand for more C & C.

Tyler Wilde: Rink ranked

I'm ranked just under Diamond in the Rocket League Snow Day mode, which I never thought I'd say. For strangers, Snow Day replaces the usual Rocket League football with a puck. That's the only way for me to play for a few years. Until recently, Snow Day was a casual playlist – no ranks, no right to brag at the end of a season – I really did not expect that because its Players only represent a small percentage of the total Rocket League player base.

But Psyonix has heard my complaints, I suppose, and classifying Snow Day is one thing. There are disadvantages. the only The way to play Snow Day is now ranked, so there are no longer five-game rematch series, and I see fewer regulars than I knew before. But my nights in the Rocket League (pretty much every night) are much more exciting now that I'm looking for divisions, and the competition is much more difficult. I think I still have 500 hours in me.

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