The hundred-acre wood comes back in the latest Kingdom Hearts III trailer


During Microsoft's XO18 fan event, a brand new trailer for Kingdom Hearts III was introduced, allowing us to retrieve the hundred-acre wood and the stupid old bear, Winnie the Pooh. Even though it's a one-and-a-half-minute trailer, there are actually a lot of details piled up.

As in previous Kingdom Hearts games, Hundred Acre Wood will feature a variety of puzzle mini-games to play as Sora interacts with Pooh and his company. The world itself sports a kind of cel-shaded look that sets it apart from other worlds in games. Outside of Hundred Acre Wood, we glimpse a glimpse of other worlds, such as the Tangled Lantern scene. It also seems that the crew will fight against a heartless version of Baymax in the world of Big Hero 6.

Chirithy, the adorable cat creature of the Kingdom Hearts mobile game, is also making its appearance, as well as a mysterious world of bright white. There's a scene with Sora, Riku and the rest of their allies fighting a heartless horde, and if you look closely at 1:09 for a brief second, you can see Axel's Keyblade.

Finally, at the end of the trailer, Norted Terra faces Lingering Will, the animated armor of Terra. Look at yourself and tell us what are your favorite parts in the comments below.

Kingdom Hearts III will be launched on January 29, 2019 on PS4 and Xbox One. If you missed the latest trailer showing more tangled world, you can watch it here or watch screenshots illustrating Olympus and Twilight Town.

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