The innovative RED Hydrogen phone is delayed even further – BGR


The last 12 months have not been particularly interesting in the world of smartphones. While "notch" has become a standard feature on most devices, but with the emotion of all-screen devices getting weaker this year, this year's phones have always focused on refinement. The iPhone XS and XS Max are definitely fantastic, but these are evolutionary upgrades on the iPhone X. Of course, there are some interesting things in the pipeline, like the long-awaited collapsible smartphone from Samsung, but you will have to wait until next year at the earliest for this to come out of the lab and into the real world.

One of the few positives was the Red Hydrogen phone, which came out of nowhere with the support of a legendary camera company to spark our interest. The phone was announced on the same date last year, but a series of delays with the holographic display of the device allowed the release date to slide. A leak from the FCC at the beginning of the year suggested that it would arrive at the end of the summer, but this is not the case.

In a post on the forum titled "The post I do not want to publish," RED's Jim Jannard says the production is a "disaster" and the release will be postponed. "The first round of Ti is a disaster. Everything fails, "wrote Jannard. "I told you how difficult Ti was to do, but our ODM and suppliers assured us that we would do enough for pre-orders. We did not do it.

RED is still committed to producing both the titanium and aluminum versions of RED Hydrogen, and says it will offer free to those who have already ordered the titanium version an aluminum model as soon as they are delivered. These people will also receive the titanium version when it is ready, which means that they will have a free phone to make up for this delay.

The manufacturing difficulties are delicate and anyone who pre-ordered the phone more than a year ago will be legitimately dissatisfied with the delay. However, the RED team must be frank in the face of the delay and strive to redress the situation.

RED is a company that produces legendary high-resolution camera systems for professional videographers with price tags in the tens of thousands of dollars. We've seen camera brands lending their name to phone makers before, but that's not what's happening here. Instead, RED puts its own holographic screen in a titanium case.

On the plus side, this means it's not a renamed Xiaomi Mi Whatever, with a bigger goal and double labeling. On the other hand, the lack of experience creating smart phones in Red (and the strange things he's trying to do with display technology) means that early users will have to be patient. "We have never built a phone," said Jim Jannard, founder of RED, earlier this year. "No one has ever tried to integrate a 4-view display before. When we started this project, we did not know any cell phone operator or anything about the cell phone industry. When we launch … the product will not be complete. There will be more firmware / software updates than any other phone ever made. We learn as we go. In truth, we have no business in this market. "

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