The internal battery experience of Google has mistakenly activated the battery saving mode on phones running Pie


On Reddit, the big novelty of the day was that some Android devices equipped with Pie or Pie beta (like Pixel models, Essential Phone, Nokia 7 Plus and OnePlus 6) turned on the Batter Saver mode even if the battery was on . the phone was almost fully charged. For those unfamiliar with this feature, it is supposed to keep a battery running for an extended period of time by preventing applications from running in the background. It also prevents applications from being refreshed until they are open and reduces the brightness of the screen.

On Android, users can preset the remaining battery time when Battery Save mode is enabled automatically. Some will choose 15% or less. However, some users of an Android 9 phone found this level set at 99% (not by them), which essentially turned on battery saving mode on these devices.

As Google explained on the Google Pixel Reddit page, this problem was accidentally caused by "an in-house experiment to test the battery-saving features deployed by mistake on more users." important than expected ". Google has since reestablished the battery saving mode on the default settings. And even though Google said that he was sorry, some people were disappointed that Google had changed the settings of their handsets without notifying them. But what these users do not understand is that they were not supposed to be involved in the experiment, so Google had no reason to inform them in advance.

So, with everything that has returned to normal, you should no longer worry about activating Battery Saver mode randomly on your Android powered Pie phone.

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