The iOS 12.1 lock screen flaw allows anyone to access your contacts.


Red wallpaper for iPhone X

Beware of this bug iOS 12.1.
Photo: Ste Smith / Worship of Mac

If you have already upgraded to iOS 12.1, you may want to pay attention to where you leave your iPhone. It turns out that a new lock screen defect allows anyone to access your contacts without your access code. The video below shows you how it is exploited.

PublicityApple's software updates have recently improved in terms of stability – better than iOS 11, at least – but they are not perfect. There have been some serious issues that have left Apple Watch rooted, and now another has been discovered in iOS 12.1.

The problem is specific to the latest version of Apple because it relies on a brand new feature: Group FaceTime.

Group FaceTime brings a flaw in the lock screen

The flaw, discovered by Jose Rodriguez, allows you to access a person's contacts by starting a phone call, switching to FaceTime, and adding more participants to the call. This forces iOS to present the list of contacts. You can then use 3D Touch to get more information.

The Rodriguez video below shows how this trick works.

Apple obviously needs to do something to eliminate this problem. Forcing users to unlock their device before adding them to a call is a possible fix. But do not worry too much about disclosing your contacts.

If no one else has access to your device, there is no problem. And if you're really worried, you can disable Siri activation from the lock screen, which would prevent this trick from working. settings, then Siri & Search, then choosing Access when locked.

Via: PhoneArena

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