The latest Hearthstone scale changes have touched one of its oldest cards


Blizzard has announced a new series of balance changes for Hearthstone, which includes a major nerve of one of the mage's classic pillars. Two other changes hit the cards that form powerful combos and created powerful archtypes, but the most important change is by far one of the oldest cards in the game.

Mana Wyrm exists from the beginning. It's a classic series mage card, and its combination of great health for mana cost and strong synergistic ability with lots of long-time self-inclusion for all kinds of decks Mage – aggressive cards that snowball his attack power to the tempo decks that use it to effectively eliminate the first threats. It will change soon. The cost of the card goes from 1 Mana to 2, doubling its cost of investment and cutting it as a decisive decisive game.

"Over time, we have moved away from powerful games early in the game such as Mana Wyrm," reads in the notes of the designer. "It can often seem that the outcome of a game depends on the choice of Mana Wyrm at the first corner and his quick elimination by an opponent, and Mana Wyrm also prevented us from casting powerful Mage spells at a low cost. that Mana Wyrm remains an option for decks with which she is synergistic, while preventing her from becoming a huge threat.

"At (2) mana, it will be easier to handle Mana Wyrm on the turn it is played, and it will be harder to improve with cheap spells early in the game." We still hope it will remain option for decks that have a focus on cheap spells, but this should be a less attractive option for decks that are not built with this goal in mind. "

The other two balance changes announced are cards added in later rounds, which means that unlike Mana Wyrm, both players will eventually exit the standard game. The change of Mana Wyrm, by comparison, is here to stay.

The first comes from Giggling Inventor, a powerful provocative card that has been waiting for a nerve since it debuted with the latest expansion. Its mana cost will be 7 to 7 instead of 5. The tipping point seems to be that Giggling Inventor was far too powerful in Quest Rogue decks, giving all henchmen a 4/4 reward for success. of the quest.

"We think it's important to take risks when creating powerful cards, especially when it comes to neutral taunts, given the role they can play for." Encourage interaction with the henchmen and make the games more interesting, but Giggling Inventor has gone beyond the role assigned to it, so do not think it should be as effective as it is now, "reads the notes. "At (7) mana, we expect Giggling Inventor to appear in fewer decks in general – and much less efficient in Quest Rogue – while still playing in certain deck archetypes, such as Evolve Shaman."

Finally, the map of the legendary druid Aviana will see its cost increased to 10 manas out of 9. It seems to target a very specific interaction: Aviana in Kun, the forgotten king. Since Aviana grants a bonus of 1 to all henchmen and Kun can restore all your Mana Crystals, this combo allowed the Druids to play a handful of huge minions in a single turn. Although Blizzard specifies that it is still technically possible to do it with a room or an Innervate, it will be less coherent. In addition, he notes, the cost change means that the new Juicy Psychelon card will not draw both parts of this powerful combo at a time.

All of these balance changes should be implemented on October 18th.

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