The latest preview of Windows 10 makes it easy to remove pre-installed applications


Microsoft is still trying to resolve any issues related to its October update for Windows 10, which it had to suspend due to missing file reports on some systems. However, for the future, the next major upgrade is expected to arrive in the first half of next year. We do not yet know what all Microsoft is working on, although the latest preview version indicates that it will be more convenient to uninstall some of the software that comes with Windows 10.

Subscribers of the Windows Insiders program can already download and install a preview of what will happen. It is called Preview Build 18262 (19H1) and is available for those who have opted for the fast ring. and Go ahead. You can consider these early versions as a kind of alpha version or even pre-alpha. They are not as refined as the versions that are finally sent to Slow Ring subscribers, who are more like beta versions.

REMEMBER: As usual with versions early in the development cycle, the versions may contain some bugs that may be painful to some, so if you feel uncomfortable with this, you may want to consider move to the slow ring.Low ring versions will continue to be higher quality, "says Microsoft.

Whatever it is, one of the features (if you want to call it so) of the new version is that more preinstalled applications can be uninstalled directly from the Start menu, via the context menu accessible with the right mouse button. You can already use some preinstalled apps by right-clicking, such as Microsoft Solitaire Collection, My Office, OneNote, 3D Print, Skype, Tips, and Weather. But with the next version (Redstone 6), Microsoft adds new applications to the list. They understand:

  • 3D Viewer (formerly called Mixed Reality Viewer)
  • Calculator
  • Calendar
  • Groove Music
  • Mail
  • Movies and TV
  • 3D painting
  • Cut and sketch
  • Sticky notes
  • Voice recorder

Note that you do not have to wait until next year to remove any of these applications from your Windows 10 PC; you can do it in the old way, by going to the Control Panel or by selecting "Applications and Features" in "Settings". It will be just a little more convenient when Redstone 6 will appear. If you do not use Groove Music, for example, you can simply uninstall it, just like any other program.

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