The latest version of Apple Maps could give Google serious competition – BGR


Given the current competitiveness of Apple and Google, it is easy to forget that both companies had particularly favorable conditions. Even if it seems like an old story, you may remember that former Google CEO Eric Schmidt even honored the scene with Steve Jobs during the iconic introduction of the iPhone originally in 2007.

The twinning relationship between the two companies, however, was relatively short-lived. In a story that has been told and repeated many times, the Google Android team, after seeing the iPhone, realized that their current incarnation of Android had to be completely reinvented. In no time, Android was directly competing with the iPhone, Steve Jobs essentially accusing Google of outright theft. Apple, in turn, decided to no longer depend on Google as much as possible. As a result, Apple finally started working on its own mapping software and finally launched Apple Maps with iOS 6.

The initial receipt of Apple Maps was far from warm. And rightly, the early versions of the software were hampered by a number of usability and performance issues, to the point that Apple's Craig Federighi would later say Apple was forced to "triple" the software upgrade .

Nowadays, Apple Maps is considerably improved. Indeed, for many iOS users, Apple Maps is the only mapping software that they use. Nevertheless, it is clear that Google Maps outclass Apple for a long time in many areas. This dynamic has been painstakingly described in a blog to read absolutely, written by the cartographer and former Apple employee Justin O'Beirne at the end of last year.

Almost a year later, O'Beirne is back with another in-depth look at Google Maps for Google Maps. O'Beirne's report is of particular interest this time because Apple at WWDC said they were rebuilding Apple Maps from scratch with much more detail. Although the updated version of Apple Maps is not yet available in all US cities, O'Beirne has reviewed the appearance of the updated mapping software in California. Just say, he came out impressed.

From a detailed imagery of vegetation to a noticeable increase in the number of footprints of buildings, the latest version of Apple Maps seems to have the potential to become a strong rival of Google Maps. Interestingly, there are even areas where Apple Maps has routes that lack Google Maps. Of course, the question is when will the updated map data from Apple be rolled out to other parts of the country?

Is the latest version of Apple Maps perfect? Far from it, and there are obviously areas in which Google Maps always manages to surpass what Apple brings to the table. Nevertheless, Apple Maps has undeniably progressed in leaps and bounds in the last 12 months alone. That being said, the entire O'Beirne play is remarkably comprehensive and deserves to be verified in its entirety if you have a fleeting interest in mapping and Apple's ongoing efforts to catch up with Google Maps.

Source of the image: Shutterstock

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