The leak of the foldable phone & # 39; Galaxy X & # 39; of Samsung reveals the details of the screen before the launch


Samsung is teasing the release of a foldable phone since 2014, but the groundbreaking device might be in a week because rumors abound that it will be unveiled at a conference hosted by the giant of South Korean electronics.

Potentially named Galaxy X or Galaxy F, the Bendy gadget will be showcased at the electronics giant's developer conference starting Nov. 7, with a potential release date set for 2019.

Samsung is working with YouTube and Netflix to find ways to deliver content on a folding screen. The Wall Street Journal reported.

Samsung released a video in 2014 illustrating a collapsible screen concept (Samsung)

The foldable screen may even carry a name – the Infinity-V – after a separate leak revealed that Samsung had filed it as a trademark with the Korean Intellectual Property Office.

A Samsung spokesperson was not immediately available for comment.

The smartphone concept with a collapsible design was first introduced by Samsung in a video published in 2014 that imagined what personal devices might look like in the future.

Since then, Samsung has filed numerous patents regarding the folding or folding of organic light-emitting diode (OLED) displays, although no official word has been announced about the development of the phone.

A report released earlier this year suggested that Samsung had already built a prototype 7-inch device, dubbed "Winner", featuring a foldable screen in two "like a wallet".

While Samsung will be the first major smartphone maker to launch a foldable smartphone if it decides to unveil the Galaxy X next week, the claim that the "world's first folding phone" has already been taken over by a Californian startup.

Earlier this week, Royole Corporation unveiled the FlexPai handset with a 7.8-inch display that can be folded in half.

Huawei and LG are other reputable manufacturers working on similar design devices.

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