The Mustang splits in two during a silly street crash


A guy who was driving the Ford Mustang against another Mustang recently crashed against a pole, completely destroying the car, but not the driver himself, who escaped with a simple broken jaw, missing teeth and a broken shoulder.

It's unclear exactly where and when it happened, although it seems to be somewhere in the south, maybe in Louisiana or Mississippi, because the series manager says that a car comes from New Orleans and the other of Mississippi. (This guy is also wearing a bag with the Saints of New Orleans logo.)

What happens to the Mississippi driver is absolutely terrifying, as he loses control of his car at about 50 feet and gets into the post. He was then seen getting out of the car and lying on the ground, alive but extremely shaken. None of the two drivers appear to have worn a helmet and the broken Mustang did not have a protective cage either.

Street racing is inherently stupid, so I'm not particularly surprised that this guy ran without even basic safety equipment. I'm glad this guy is still alive, although I hope his takeaway will be "stop street racing" and not just "buy a helmet."

He is also lucky that there is no one else. Too many people are killed every year in street crashes (179 people were killed in Los Angeles in the last 17 years, the Los Angeles Times concluded), mostly pedestrians, passengers and other drivers. Ugh.

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