The mysterious cube of Fortnite is gone, leaving behind a new location


"Fortnitemares" came to an end and left the world of Fortnite considerably modified. This afternoon, the game of the Royal Battle was the scene of a unique event in the game, which marked the end of Halloween mode filled with monsters and introduced many changes in the game. More than 1 million of people watched the event unfold in real time on Twitch only.

It all started when the mysterious purple cube of the game disappeared. First, he started to melt and sank something in the lake on which he flew. Then, the cube began to jog and spin quickly, before disappearing – and dragged the players into a strange and very enlightened realm. There, you can not do much, but float and watch a strange butterfly flutter.

It lasted about a minute, before all the players were brought home. Fortnite island, which has introduced a new location. The former Lake Loot, which had become the cradle of the cube and its floating island, now houses a new landmass composed of a series of smaller islands. There are probably other changes on the map that we will see discovering in the coming hours and days. In addition to the new location in the game, Epic also added a series of new challenges, dubbed "Lil 'Kev Challenges", after Kevin's nickname that the community gave to the cube.

Developer Epic Games announced that the event was taking place earlier in the week and even today sent a push notification for mobile. Fortnite players. Those who connect to the game on other platforms earlier today have been warned that "the cube is unstable".


This is not the first time the studio has experimented with limited live events. Back in June Fortnite was home to a spectacular rocket launch that created a dimensional flaw in the sky, which led to a steady stream of map changes altering the game. More recently, Fortnite was invaded by the mysterious cube, which slowly rolled over the map and eventually created a floating island. Before that, the players who were in the game at the right time could see that the cube slowly disappeared into the lake, creating a fun trampoline, although temporary.

It's kind of a constantly evolving environmental narrative that helped to establish Fortnite apart from other similar games. Just do not stay too far away – lots of things can happen in a short time.

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