The new anthem sequence shows the first complete mission and the ultimate abilities


Bioware has released another sequence of game sequences for Anthem. This time, she introduces us to the first mission of the game and shows the ultimate abilities of some of the characters.

The above footage, taken from a livestream of the Paris Games Week, shows a team of four looking for a lost arcanist named Matthias. They fly from camp to camp, discovering clues by following Matthias' signal, and all this ends with a mini-boss fight against a big enemy with a huge shield and a flamethrower.

We have an overview of the ultimate capacity of the Javelin Storm: it is a huge elemental storm concentrated in a small area. This sounds pretty impressive, even on low settings, that the team uses to show this alpha version of the game. You will also see Storm shoot lightning and ice during regular fights.

The Javelin Interceptor, described as a "space ninja", is also in the game, and their ultimate is to whip two blades and move from enemy to enemy, inflicting massive damage.

The sound resonates during the first 3:37, so it's best to go ahead (the team recaps the first three minutes anyway). You can see the ultimate Storm at 13:45 and the ultimate Interceptor at 24:50. In the middle of the video, the team stops playing for a Q & A. All in all, there is about 20 minutes of play in the half-hour video.

Keeping in mind that it works on low settings, what do you do with what you see?

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