The new Destiny 2 update fixes the powerful speed bug just when launching the raid


The launch of Dorsaken DLC from Destiny 2 was relatively fluid, all things considered, but it suffered from a variety of problems launched, some more serious than others. Those who were prepared to prepare for the Raid were baffled by a weekly reset problem over the weekend, but Bungie has now released a new update that should fix the problem – just in time for the Last Wish Raid .

Bungie's release notes for patch are relatively brief as they are primarily used to correct the above problem. Over the weekend, a weekly reset took place that allowed players to start winning more powerful hardware rewards (which should not have happened before Tuesday). However, these rewards did not fall to the proper level of power and the challenges were not available after Tuesday's weekly reset. This prevented the players from progressing at the pace necessary to enter the Raid directly when it was launched.

Over the past few days, Bungie has stated that he is investigating the problem, and that patch now gives players the opportunity to participate in weekly challenges that will get them the right rewards. If you have met these challenges over the weekend but did not receive new ones on Tuesday, you should now see them in the Director. With this fix, you can continue to get Raid Ready, which you can find out more in our upgrade guide. We also have a guide to this week's Ascendant Challenge, which rewards a powerful reward.

Beyond that, the hotfix corrects two other problems. One prevents gamblers from receiving free masonry hearts from the Drifter, while the other deals with a problem involving the reward for completing all Crucible weapon triumphs.

You can see the full patch notes below. Be aware that some players, including some of us on GameSpot, have found that DLC locations are missing from the manager after installing the update. Fortunately, simply restarting the game or your system seems to rectify that.

The Last Wish Raid airs on Friday, September 14th at 10:00 am Eastern Time at 1:00 pm Eastern Time and at 6:00 pm local time on PS4, Xbox One and PC. There will inevitably be a race to finish it first, although due to a bug since resolved, some players have already opened raid chests and have earned their rewards.

Release Notes for Destiny 2 Update

  • Fixed an issue where some weekly challenges did not reset correctly
    • Players who have been affected by this problem should now have their challenges missing
  • Fixed a problem where players could win masonry hearts for free via the Drifter
  • Fixed a problem where the reward for completing all the weapon triumphs available in Crucible was not available for all platforms
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