The new Devil May Cry 5 trailer reveals a third playable character, this boy from 2006


The new Devil May Cry 5 trailer above, is a treat if you feel like you've missed the idiotic tone of the show since DMC4. You can see a lot of Dante in action, including his new weapon that seems to be a motorcycle with which he can beat monsters to death, and the reassuring appearances of his long-time teammates, Trish and Lady.

It also reveals the third playable character of the game, V, a guy who apparently speaks in "poetic verse", which seems a bit unbearable. You get your first look at V at the very end of the trailer. He's there. I guess he's playing bass in a tribute band to My Chemical Romance:

Capcom also revealed details on the game's luxury edition, where Nero gets four additional Devil Breakers – the game's custom robotic arms that each bring a different fighting ability – including a Mega Man inspired. If this sounds exciting, there is a trailer below:

Devil May Cry 5 was released on March 8, 2019. Like Tom, I tried the Gamescom demo and I was not completely stunned, especially because the camera was too close to Nero to see the enemies properly and I did not really understand how the Devil Breakers fit in perfectly with DMC's fight. I look forward to playing more, but this trailer certainly gives me some nice DMC3 vibrations.

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