The new Dynamite weapon from Fortnite Patch is already disabled


A new update is now available for Fortnite. In addition to launching a new event of limited duration, Wild West Cowboy-themed mode, Patch 6.30 introduces another weapon into the game's vast arsenal: Dynamite. However, you will not be able to find it at this time because the developer had to temporarily disable the item shortly after it arrived.

As Epic explained Twitter, the Dynamite was removed from Fortnite "while [it investigates] an increase in the number of customer crashes. "The developer did not provide a timeline indicating when players could expect the weapon to come back, but he says he will provide an additional update on his status once he has more information.

Dynamite is an unusual object that falls in a stack of three. It can be found as a booty on the ground or in chests, vending machines, supply drops and supply llamas, and this sounds especially terrific. Its range of fire is shorter than that of a grenade, but inflicts 70 damage to other players and 800 to structures.

Dynamite is also one of the few items in Fortnite's new LTM Wild West. This mode is very similar to a typical Battle Royale game, but contains only weapons and items that can be used by cowboys and cowgirls, such as shotgun, shotgun and rifle. double barrel. Another weapon, the Minigun, was also available in the mode, but Epic recently announced that removed.

In addition to the new item and the LTM, the 6.30 update has introduced the Ghost Gun into the Save the World Paid mode of Fortnite. Epic had previously said the mode would follow in the footsteps of Battle Royale and would be free this year, but this has been delayed as the developer needs more time to work on some additional tweaks and features.

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