The new generation of Ford Mustang Hybrid makes fun of the video


Rrecently, Ford has released a new video ad. Bryan Cranston, star of more than a minute, explains how the history of Ford's car manufacturing prepares it for the future. The advertisement itself is well done, but a part really stands out. After 36 seconds, the dark image of a car carrying a Mustang the badge flashes on the screen. This is clearly not the current Mustang, so the question is, what is it?

By playing with the screen capture (shown above) in Photoshop, we were able to bring out some more details. But aside from the Mustang badge on the grille, there's still no clue as to what we're looking at. When we asked Ford, a spokesman only said:It's a preview of what's ahead and we're excited to show you more in the future. "

The statement itself may be vague, but at least it confirms that we are not looking for a rendering of some Future Mustang that exists only in the minds of the advertising team. It's a car that we can at least expect to see as a concept. But what kind of concept?

The grille strongly involves something electric, but the car seems too low to be Mustang's next electric crossover that Ford has teased. If it was not the Mustang badge, we would probably assume it was an electric sedan concept. Instead, our best guess is that this is the Hybrid Mustang planned for 2020.

If so, it means that it's also potentially our first look at the next-generation Mustang. The front is too different from the current Mustang for this is an electrified evolution of the S550. Depending on the different appearance of the vehicle in this picture, do not be surprised if the next Mustang undergoes a radical overhaul.

With the Los Angeles Auto Show later this year and the Detroit Auto Show in January, you want to keep an eye on the future news of the Mustang. Ford has yet to officially unveil the GT500, but you never know when the new generation Mustang concept will make its appearance.

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