The new hero of Overwatch could be revealed in this video


Blizzard has been something new for Overwatch lately, while remaining ambiguous as to what it really is. The last teaser does not know if we get a new hero, a new map or something else, but it is still interesting. Taking place in the same street (which is believed to be on the King's Row map) than the previous one, the six-second video shows a big rock that rolls very briefly.

However, looking at it more closely, it seems that this rock is not limited to what we see at the beginning. This is clearly not your standard problem The adventurers of the lost arch Rocky rock, because there are small lights and it seems to be armored. This rock could be an ability that the future hero potential – Hero 28 – has, or in fact be the new hero.

Until then, speculation has been that the new hero could turn out to be Hammond, another animal that has been experimenting alongside Winston. In the Horizon Lunar Colony map, his whereabouts are listed as unknown, so he left somewhere. As for the rolling part, it could be a different version of the Reinhardt Charge, which is used to target single enemies and pin them. A giant rolling hero would be very useful for breaking down defenses and scattering enemies.

Overwatch currently has 27 characters, the most recent being Brigitte, a support hero who can heal his teammates, equip a barrier shield and stun his enemies. So far, Blizzard has not given any indication on what to expect from the next character or when we will be able to play it.

Speaking of the future of the game, Blizzard said that he is not trying to move to an Overwatch 2. "What people do not realize is that the team is now much bigger than it was when we shipped the game, and we put it all by working on the live game and new maps, heroes and events like Anniversary, "said the studio recently . "At least for the moment, [supporting Overwatch] is our goal right now, and we are excited to be working on this game. "

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