The new League of Legends champion, Neeko, the curious chameleon, allows players to win


Neeko, the curious chameleon is League of Legends "Next champion." Teased earlier this week with a watercolor animation, Riot Games has just revealed the reptile that changes form in a video presentation.It seems to be a mage or support with a unique power: the ability to temporarily become allied champions It is a unique mechanism that we have not seen implemented in a MOBA You want to have your jungle up but you need pressure down? Introduce yourself with two Warwicks and watch the enemy get lost.

Expect to see Neeko on the PBE very soon, potentially next week. Personally, I have the impression that she looks like old Leblanc. The ability to invoke two versions of yourself is useful in High ELO games, where players are actually smart enough to use this skill properly. But in Bronze and Silver, I can see a lot of Neekos who have just been feeding. It does not matter if you have 1,000 games on Master Yi and you are stuck in Bronze IV, you should not try to invade simply because Neeko has decided to cover you.

Neeko is champion 142, further proof that Riot Games needs to be more creative. Even a brand new champion who is a true chameleon still uses abilities that are not entirely new. She slows down the enemies with a drop of magic energy and an explosion of AOE that would "fuck" Nunu and Willump. She could be fun to play, but she could also be as broken as Zoe.

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