The new leak "Destiny 3" reveals a darker guardian, the game that they wanted from the beginning


Earlier this month, we talked a bit about a recent leak regarding a third destiny title in Bungie's works. Now, the same source opens up on other presumed details of the upcoming game, including a much darker path for Guardians.

The initial leak started last week when another user, "future-foe", mentioned that "Bungie should have a solid basic version of Destiny 3 now. In response, AnontheNine replied, "No. Development begins now. Chris Barrett, director of the game. Luke Smith is still there in an important role. "

At the time, AnontheNine did not give details, but he is now ready to speak. According to him, Destiny 3 is entirely a project of the errors of the past, each lesson learned compiled into one. With Abandoned Being such a huge success, it proves that Bungie has finally "well understood" with many fans, and the third match will continue this desire to please.

According to the source, Destiny 3 will not be a game for the weak and will go forward with regard to the RPG side of things. He also says that Destiny 3 is the game that they wanted to do from the beginning born from a much darker narrative.

AnontheNine also touched on a few special points, claiming that the Guardian will instead use the power of Darkness, which was a huge theme in Destiny 2 last expansion. Since all Guardians are currently drawing this power from the Light, this could be of great importance to history as we know it.

The source also mentioned not to expect teasing until next year and that this game would be planned for a next generation version. You can read all his information published here, but for now, take it all with a grain of salt until Bungie himself confirms it. We are far from announcing anything particular to Bungie. So for the moment it is about speculation and rumors coming from random sources on the Internet.

Always – the team managed to overturn the general opinion with Abandoned, but it was a long and difficult way out of hell to get to this point. Do you think it's wise to start working on another destiny title or do you prefer that they focus on a new intellectual property? Join the conversation in the comment section below and tell us what you think of the latest addition to the rumor.

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