The new mid-size Ram pickup truck could be built in Ohio


We know that the upcoming Jeep Wrangler pickup variant will be built on the Fiat-Chrysler production site in Toledo, Ohio. We also know that FCA plans to resurrect a medium sized Ram truck. Now, we have reason to believe that it will be produced with the Jeep in the same plant, offering various benefits to the automotive group.

It's according to Automotive News, which states that suppliers suggest that the new mid-size Ram offering will indeed join the new Wrangler platform, probably called Scrambler, in production.

This means that the new Ram will probably be a bodied pickup and not a single body like the Ram 700 model sold in Latin America or the Fiat Toro. Sharing components with the supposed Scrambler will also help FCA keep costs online when both vehicles go on sale.

Automotive News Believes that the Scrambler truck alone will not sell the volume necessary for this Toledo plant to continue operating at full capacity from the start of sales; adding an extra truck to the line helps reduce the gap. It should also be noted that by building the truck here in the United States, FCA can offer the medium-sized Ram truck in the United States while avoiding the "tax on chicken", a decision imposed in 1964 today. He is credited with the reason why small trucks, such as the Volkswagen Amarok, are not imported and sold in the United States.

The reader asked the FCA to comment and a Ram spokesman referred to Mike Manley's presentation on Capital Markets Day, which confirms a medium-sized or metric collection by 2022.

Ram and Jeep will soon join Honda, General Motors, Toyota, Nissan and Ford, the latest of which will be a new Ranger model in the US in 2019. The latest At the moment a Ram truck of this size was sold in the US , the Dakota, which ceased operations in 2011.

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