The new Spyro has no subtitles in its cutscenes, which is crazy


Although they have some during the game, the new Spyro Trilogy has no subtitles during his cutscenes. So anyone who is hard of hearing or who just likes to play with sound and who wants to enjoy the story of the game is out of luck.

This is really not normal, and that is why what might seem like a minor oversight is becoming a real bargain. The game came out last week, when the omission was first noticed, but it's not until GamePitt A few days ago, Activision asked Activision to say that it had become clear that something was wrong.

When Toys for Bob decided to create an impressive collection of games, some decisions had to be made throughout the process. The team remained committed to preserving the integrity and legacy of Spyro that fans remember. The game was built from scratch with a new engine for the team (Unreal 4) and was localized in languages ​​that had not yet been tried by the studio. Although there is no industry standard for subtitles, the studio and Activision take into account the fan experience, especially with respect to accessibility for people with different abilities, and evaluate the sequence of events.

As Ars Technica Point out that this is not the first time that Activision is doing it with a reissue. last years Crash Trilogy nor does it have subtitles in its cutscenes.

Activision are correct that there is no industry standard (this Twitter feed does a great job as to why), but that does not seem to be a valid excuse, any more than "some decisions must be made", when virtually all games of all major publishers are able to include them.

The company's declaration ends with the fact that they will "evaluate the future", which means that subtitles could be added in a future patch.

It's 2018 and video games should please everyone. It is therefore unfortunate that while some large companies publish dedicated accessible controllers, others see subtitles – of all things – as a way to save time.

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