The New Super Smash Bros Ultimate Fighter is an Animal Crossing Favorite


The Nintendo Direct of yesterday has covered a lot of ground, especially with regard to the Switch. The presentation contained many games we already knew, as well as some surprises. One of the biggest surprises came at the end, while Nintendo announced that a very popular character from Crossing of animals the series arrives at Super Smash Bros Ultimate.

Isabelle, who serves as assistant and secretary to the players of Animal Crossing: New Leafwill join Super Smash Bros Ultimate list when the game launches later this year. The trailer that announced it as a fighter does not really go deep when it comes to his shot, but we can nevertheless see that she is using some of her abilities.

Super Smash Bros Ultimate is remarkable for presenting all the fighters of the previous games of the series. This means a cast of characters with more than 70 players, which is pretty ridiculous when you consider that the first game had only 12 players. the new fighters could be a little lower than in the past.

Yet that did not stop Sakurai and his team from revealing new fighters like Ridley. Metroid, Simon (and Richter) Belmont of Castlevania, King K. Rool of Donkey Kong series, and now Isabelle. This could very well be the case with the new characters, but we could still get some new character revelations on the release date of the game on December 7th.

In addition to announcing that Isabelle is heading towards Super Smash BrosNintendo also revealed that an Animal Crossing game is currently under development for the Switch. We do not know yet, but Nintendo says it will be there next year. While we wait for more details on this topic, go to the comments section and tell us what you think of Isabelle's debut in Super Smash Bros.

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