The next big thing from Google could be a game service to take on PS4, Xbox and Switch – BGR


Google provides a lot of useful services, including the most popular smartphone operating system in the world. But what the company does not have is user-friendly products, including hardware and software. Google is trying to change all this with a bold new project. The company is supposed to work in various ways to confront Microsoft, Sony and Nintendo with game console games.

According to the sources of Kotaku Google takes a three-pronged approach: "1 A kind of streaming platform, 2) some kind of hardware, and 3) an attempt to bring game developers under the umbrella of Google, whether through aggressive recruitment or even major acquisitions. "

work on, or when it could be started. But this is not the first time we hear Google targeting players with products of its own.

More interesting, though, is the streaming option that would allow Google to offer high-end games to more and more users. need to sell them dedicated consoles. Microsoft is doing the same thing, but Microsoft has the advantage of being one of the established players in the gaming landscape. Like Microsoft, Nvidia and EA are also working on game streaming services.

The code name of Google's streaming platform is Yeti. Just like any other gaming streaming platform, Google would unload most of the cloud-based processing and deliver these high-end games to end-user devices. A person familiar with Yeti said that the platform could bring games like The Witcher 3 into a Google Chrome tab. Yeti would also be integrated with YouTube, the report notes, and would connect with any console that Google could develop.

Google was also present at GDC and E3 this year, talking to game developers about its projects. Google is also planning to buy a few studios, which might be needed to develop gaming experiences that would be available only on Google's gaming service.

We do not know yet when Google will make its official game ambitions. Fortunately, this is not yet another Google initiative that does not see the light of day.

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