The next expansion of Hearthstone is the rumble of Rastakhan


At BlizzCon's annual conference, Blizzard announced Hearthstone's next expansion into the popular digital GCC: Rastakhan's Rumble. The new expansion focuses on trolls that gather once in a generation to compete for Loa's blessings.

The fierce competition consists of nine teams – one for each Hearthstone class, with a legendary leader to call, of course. Loa spirits also enter as legendary henchmen. Shirvallah the tiger is the first to debut, a Paladin Loa with a huge casting cost of 25 Mana. It's way too high to play, but you're gradually reducing that price by casting spells throughout the match. Each class also has its own spirit, a special minion that always starts with Stealth for you to set up combos.

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It will also introduce a new keyword called "Overkill". If you have more damage than necessary to kill a minion, you receive a bonus. The weapon presented had an Overkill effect allowing you to attack again. Finally, a new game for a single player called Rumble Run will also come.

Rastakhan's Rumble will be launched on December 4th. You can pre-buy now from two different bundles. The Challenger pack allows you to collect 17 packs and a "Ready to Rumble" card for $ 20, while the Rastakhan Rumble pre-purchase will bring you 50 card packs, the card and an alternate shaman king, King Rastakhan. .

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