The next major update of 'Minecraft' fills villages, then attacks – Variety


"Minecraft", launched almost seven years ago and sold at 144 million copies, still shows no signs of slowing down in terms of both sales and development.

During this week's Minecon Earth 2018 event, Mojang announced the release of another major game update.

The Village and Pillage update will populate the Overworld villages with a large number of new and classic villagers. And to keep things interesting, the update will also provide "looters" and their beasts to attack these freshly housed villagers.

Jens Bergensten, lead developer of the Mojang studio, said the villages and those who found them would look and act differently depending on where they are. The game will also add some new professions for the villagers.

"The The looting is part of the update: the village will be threatened by a new group of villagers, villagers villains, "he said. "They'll raid groups with looters and a new monster like a new miniboss."

The major update is scheduled for release next year, but this Mojang holiday will add cats and pandas to the game. According to Bergensten, the pandas will bring with them bamboo forests and the possibility of collect bamboo and create scaffolding with him.

"We have registered real pandas in China to help create them," he said.

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