After yesterday's revelation of Operation Rainbow Six Siege's Wind Bastion, Ubisoft released patch notes which detail a lot of low profile changes based on the new operators and the new map. The fix mainly consists of small bugfixes, but some notable changes include a load change for Mute and another nerve for Zofia.
The blog begins by detailing the new operators Kaid and Nomad and by presenting the new map Fortress, which we have all detailed in our practical impressions. Mute, Clash, Zofia, Lesion and Smoke are under the microscope.
Mute and smoke
Mute wins the SMG-11 as a secondary option similar to his fellow SAS defender, Smoke. Ubi wants to make Mute "a slightly more attractive choice", which it will undoubtedly do. The SMG-11 also receives a slight improvement, but the exact figures were not specified. It also works like a little buff for Smoke, which according to Ubi is "still a little weak".
Zofia is back in the balancing pot and this time loses another grenade: from 3 to 2. Ubi says that Zofia still has "too many shots at his disposal and can offer too much utility compared to her teammates. "It's hard to argue with. At launch, Zofia had 4 concussion grenades and his impact cartridges. A division even 2-2 of its utility should mean that it is still so powerful.
Wind Bastion will be a difficult season for Clash. To take the lead and to compensate for his low picking rate following a previous nerve, the damage of his taser shield increases from 3 to 5 damage per zap. "She is now very weak and under-chosen, and we expect Nomad to be a tough fighter against her," reads the message. That's an understatement. For Nomad, eliminating Clash is as easy as firing a punch at her face and shooting her while she is defenseless on the ground. I do not foresee that this boost improves such a one-sided encounter.
In the community, the injury has never been a priority for people who need to find solutions. He is an excellent operator and very approachable, but apparently, Ubi sees him a bit too strong. The damage of his T-5 SMG is slightly diminished by an unspecified amount to bring it into line with where Ubi wants it.
Disposable trajectory
This change is a little out of the left field, but the trajectory of all gadgets launched will change in Wind Bastion to make them "easier and more comfortable to use," Ubi says. The only exception to this change is the Nitro cell, which will not change. So expect your friends' grenade throwing a bit sporadic until everyone gets used to it.
Shop interface
Wind Bastion will also introduce a new store interface that will replace the obsolete and confusing menus used by Siege for years. The new store will allow players to navigate objects faster, immediately equip beauty products and add an "all equip" button to skins. Currently, players have to dive into a dozen layers of menus to equip a skin of multiple operators or weapons. The shared Ubi screengrab looks elegant, but I'm interested to see if the store is still in messy navigation.
Many other bugfixes have been made to specific cards and operators. For a complete list, visit the official website to post. Tomorrow will mark the start of the technical test server for Wind Bastion, so expect the unspecified information on damage changes and casting trajectory to be clarified this week by the players. Wind Bastion still has no official release date, but history tells us that it will probably be released between December 4 and 7, so stay tuned.
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