The next World of Warcraft update addresses some of the biggest complaints in the community


World of Warcraft game director Ion Hazzikostas revealed the future of the battle for Azeroth, which players will experience in a new update titled Tides of Vengeance. Hazzikostas said in a livestream on Twitch (via Wowhead) that the update will see the war between the Alliance and the Horde grow, with a new feature called Incursions, new global quests, a new Warfront, two new new raids. Oh, and the dwarves and blood elves are now getting Heritage Armor, which is also super cool.

Equally important, Tides of Vengeance will also address some of the biggest complaints recently filed by the community. For example, if you have reached a Champions of Azeroth reputation level on a character, it will be unlocked on all characters related to that same account. This will make upgrading new characters a lot less complicated.

The update will feature "essential, story-driven and story-based content," Hazzikostas said, as the Horde and Alliance intensify the conflict. The incursions, which will be similar to the assaults in World of Warcraft: Legion, will see the forces of the opposing faction attack and establish support points in your areas. This will disable global quests in the area and activate a new set of content in its place, "very similar to the Legion attack structure."

Raids can also be used to level alts that have unlocked global quests, and there will be a number of new global quests added to the rotation around the world. The existing scenarios will continue, and new ones will be added: "We are going to watch Saurfang very closely, which as members of the Horde, we have seen for the last time moping in Stormwind storages, lamenting the loss of honor" said Hazzikostas. Tyrande and Flight jin will also be present in new scenarios.

Heritage Armor, until now reserved for allied races, is expanded to dwarves and blood elves through special "race quests". Blizzard plans to launch Heritage Armor on other races in the future. Hazzikostas said that "racial identity is a very important aspect of World of Warcraft".

The Alliance will attempt to retaliate against the Horde in Tides of Vengeance by opening a new war front to retake Darkshore and gain a foothold from Orgrimmar's strike. The new Warfront will focus on the forces of Night Elves and the Neglected, with new structures, upgrades and systems. Other Horde forces and the Alliance will also appear, but Hazzikostas said that "the Warfront experience would be very different". The outer Darkshore area will also be updated as a "maximum level experience".

The new raid on the Zuldazar siege will be "quite different from any raid we've done before," Hazzikostas said. Each faction will have a "completely separate experience": Alliance players will land on the docks and fight to face King Rastakhan, while Horde players will come from the north and face the invaders to the docks. finally fight the Alliance commanders, including Jaina Proudmoore. The events experienced by the opposing faction will be playable in a kind of live after-action report, guaranteeing that both factions will be able to experience the nine raid bosses.

A second raid, Crucible of Storms, is a two boss battle that will come after Zuldazar and will allude to "dark secrets" under Stormsong. Hazzikostas said that the release of the second raid will take place well after Zuldazar, to ensure that players do not feel overwhelmed.

There will also be a pair of new islands added to the game called Jorundall and Havenswood, each with new events and enemies, and the reputation system will be changed so that the unlocked reputation on a character is unlocked on all. Reputation unlocks will be removed and progress toward exalted reputations will be on the account scale rather than the character. New Azerite traits are coming, and some that have not been very interesting will be removed. (You can read more about this in Steven's summary of why players are fed up with the Battle of Azeroth shit hardware system.)

The release date of Tides of Vengeance has not yet been set, but Hazzikostas said the goal was to take stock of the PTR by the end of the week.

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