The official teaser of LG V40 ThinQ leaves little to the imagination


So, here we go again. With only a few days to announce the smartphone, LG offers tips on the LG V40 ThinQ. But rather than just referring to it by announcing a new component or a new feature, the Korean manufacturer is no more than revealing the smartphone itself. It's actually less of a teaser and more of a confirmation. Yes, the LG V40 ThinQ will have five cameras, nothing more and certainly nothing less.

After all, this "pentalens" camera is what should be the hallmark of the LG V40 ThinQ. So close to the LG V35 ThinQ and with no major upgrade of hardware components on the market, one can expect the V40 ThinQ to be almost identical to the V35 in almost every aspect except this one.

Fortunately, LG leaves some mysteries unanswered. Like the resolution of these cameras and their purpose. LG has so far opted for double and telephoto cameras on its flagship products. A third camera would be super wide angle or super zoom. Or, like many other dual camera systems, a depth sensor.

LG's teaser spends a lot of time talking about the back of the LG V40, which, by the way, still has a fingerprint scanner. No LG FOD this year. The company describes the soft, silky but non-slippery texture of reinforced glass. It also promises scratch resistance and no trace of fingerprints.

Curiously, LG does not completely turn the V40 ThinQ, keeping its screen still a puzzle. He says it will be a large 6.4-inch screen with an increased screen area. Which is another way of saying that it will have narrower glasses and maybe a notch. The LG V40 ThinQ is expected to debut next week and will be available in Moroccan Blue, a new platinum gray, and perhaps the most luxurious of all, Carmine Red.

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