The OnePlus 6 red you were waiting for is finally here – BGR


Of course OnePlus did a red OnePlus 6 because you know who also has a red phone. Yes, there was a OnePlus 5T red last year. And a red iPhone 7 that preceded it.

That said, the red OnePlus 6 looks a lot better than the black and white versions available in the previous months. There is just something about red phones that makes them extremely attractive.

The red OnePlus 6 will be available on July 10, and it will cost $ 579. For this price, you get 8GB of RAM and 128GB of storage. The phone will be available in many markets, including the United States, India and Europe, but expect a gradual launch if you do not find it yet.

Other than the new color option, nothing is changed. It's always the same OnePlus 6 inside that you expect.

But when it comes to red, the CEO of OnePlus Pete Lau says that the company took its time to decide on this color and that the OnePlus 6 red paint job.

Deciding on this color was not without challenges. We see individual colors as a way to express certain feelings or ideas. For us, the red breathes enthusiasm and personality. It also represents an inner confidence and courage. There is a kind of power in red, which the OnePlus logo has always tried to articulate. We hope you will feel as emancipated when you own the OnePlus 6 Red this summer

It's a bullshit Samsung quality, and we know that Samsung can concoct design stories for its flagship phones and its choices of colors.

As to the creation of the new color, Lau said that OnePlus used "a new filming process that has never been attempted before in the smartphone industry."

In addition, the design team used a $ 5 evaporated layer to make it clear, "to increase the brightness of the red coating on a phone that should not be" too bright. "Cool.

Long story short, if you like red, then the OnePlus 6 should be on your list. Otherwise, just choose one of the black options or try to find a white one. do not know if the OnePlus 6 will be in other colors.

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