The Overwatch developer update describes the Torbjörn recovery


A new update from the developer Overwatch describes a bunch of new changes to the game. The most important change on the way is a reshuffle of Torbjörn, changing the way his turret works, removing his armor packs , giving it a new ability and rearranging its Ultimate.

Torbjörn's first ability, Deploy Turret, is now a launched projectile that deploys automatically wherever it lands. The turret levels have been removed and the new turret has the same power level as the old Tier Two Turret. In addition, the turret will now give priority to targets that have been marked by Torbjörn's rivet gun, allowing the player to have some control over AI targeting. To counteract these buffs, the turret now disables itself when it is destroyed, so that players can remove an enemy turret.

The second capacity of Torbjörn has been completely changed. Armor Pack is gone, as is Torb's scrap system. His new ability, Overload, works the same way as his former Ultimate Molten Core buff. When activated, Torbjörn gains temporary armor as well as improved movement, attack, and reloading speed. Here's all he does:

  • Adds 150 temporary armor
  • 30% faster movement speed
  • 30% more than the rivet gun and the speed of reloading and attack
  • 30% more than hammer attack speed
  • 5 second duration
  • 12 seconds of recharge

Ultimately, Torbjörn's Ultimate has also changed. It's still called Molten Core, but it now allows it to launch up to 10 molten projectiles that generate a damaged pool where they land. Pools that cause damage deal 130 damage, compared to 190 who have armor. The ability lasts six seconds or until 10 drops of lava have been drawn.

Torb's Rivet pistol has been slightly modified. During his primary fire, the projectile speed increased from 60 to 70, while the reloading time went from 2.2 to 2 seconds. Alternate shooting also has a shorter recovery and reload time, reduced spread, but lower total damage per shot. The functionality remains pretty much the same, but it should be more consistent and overall slightly more damaging.

In addition to the Torbjörn reshuffle, Kaplan said minor changes would be made to Orisa, Soldier: 76, Pharah and McCree, although he did not have much detail. We will have more information once the PTR patch notes are available. He also mentioned that more robust color-blind options are underway.

Finally, Kaplan said that while seasonal events (such as the upcoming Halloween Terror event) would continue to feature impressive cosmetics, their event-specific game modes (such as the Junkenstein Revenge) will remain largely unchanged for the foreseeable future. . Instead of developing new game modes, Kaplan said the Overwatch team focused on hero balance shifts and quality of life fixes, such as the Torb shuffling and the colorblind mode described here.

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