The players found a super fast glitch Black Ops 4 to exploit


Unfortunately, in the multiplayer mode of Call of Duty: Black Ops 4, players have recently discovered a small problem that allows them to get a great speed. There is very little chance of stopping players when an exploit is discovered in the game, unless the game's developers settle it.

This newly discovered glitch allows players to equip the Skulker talent many times. When you move in a supine and recumbent position, the advantage of the Skulker increases the normal speed. The Skulker bonus can be equipped once during normal play, but this glitch allows you to equip it three times.

This totally ruins the game for anyone who plays against the people who use this glitch to reach extreme speed that makes it virtually impossible.

On the Black Ops 4 subdirectory, this question has already been raised and mentioned, users claim that this can only be achieved with the help of a teammate.

There are a ton of videos on YouTube explaining how to activate this problem in your version of the game.

The steps to enable Super Speed ​​are as follows: Join a friend's lobby, create and configure a class of 5 to 10 items with no benefit, then set the host switch on the custom game board and return to the pass. mouse over it, then select the Skulker advantage for each of the slots.

Although you can follow the steps and activate this problem, I strongly recommend that you do not use it as this could result in a ban.
Treyarch developers have not yet commented on this, but it looks like this problem will be solved in the next game update.

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