The player's Red Dead Redemption 2 & # 39; plays "The soil is lava" with a horse


(Photo: Rockstar Games)

In Red Dead Redemption 2, intensely controlling your horse is one of the hardest things to do. If you have played in the open West, know that riding fast in a forested area is as dangerous as a mouse trying to cross an open field. Whatever horse you ride, everyone seems to have an innate ability to get stuck in the trees or stumble on the rocks.

But apparently it's not the horses that are problematic, it's the players who control them, because this one Red Dead Redemption 2 player has mastered complete control of his boah.

Straddling Annesburg, a mining town in the northeastern part of the map, a player tried to play the classic game "Floor is Lava". Assassin & # 39; s Creed.

Now, I do not know about you, but I can make sure that my White-Arab successfully jumps a fence, not to mention the roof running like a fucking ninja. But maybe I trained badly. Whatever it is, I know what I'm trying tonight. Do not forget that horse racing comes back before I do it.

Red Dead Redemption 2 is available for PlayStation 4 and Xbox One. For the moment, no PC port or Nintendo Switch port has been announced. However, the first has had several leaks, suggesting that it is in preparation and maybe even soon.

For more information on the title of Rockstar Games, hailed by the critics, click here. For more information on the game itself, check out our official article. Here is an overview:

"There's just something here that catches you, refuses to let go … Even when everything seems dark and you wonder if you're going to survive, the job well done is a real satisfaction." A well-oiled car stolen in a well kept refinery to survive a simple ambush where thugs make the mistake of trying to steal your horse in the country and discover something new – even the fishing has the impression of to be a dedicated part of the game. Fishing. "

Thank you Reddit.

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