The players' Red Dead Redemption 2 & # 39; react to KKK's run-in


Red Dead Redemption 2 has shattered records since its opening weekend and players can not get enough of the Wild West adventure from Rockstar Games. The reactions to the incredibly immersive world have been intense, but what really shows what is an "experience" of this game and how real it becomes, is a particular scene regarding the KKK.

If you are on the move, you might see a hot KKK meeting in action. There are several ways to respond to the meeting of the White supremacist meeting: open fire immediately or wait a little longer for an even more satisfying end.

Spoiler warning below for a specific event of the game:

1. Open fire immediately for quick justice.

2. Throw a stick of dynamite into the crowd and get out of the ham.

3. If you wait, you will see two of the members sacrifice themselves by accident. This will then give you the opportunity to speak with the chef, who will then pull a knife at you. So … go ham.

Whichever method players choose to play this particular scene, one thing is certain: the reaction was immediate:

Needless to say, in this particular case, few people have been dissociated to pull the trigger. It shows just how real and unexpected this game can get, and yet another reason why Red Dead Redemption 2 worth the purchase.

Red Dead Redemption 2 is available on Xbox One and PS4.

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