The players' Red Dead Redemption 2 & # 39; think this character References Alex Jones


Alex Jones

In Red Dead Redemption 2 There is a scientific scientific NPC that players can meet, an animated speech about a conspiracy theory. Some players are convinced that he is a reference to the conspiracy theorist and radio broadcaster, Alex Jones, or at least contains a reference to Jones

Whether it's the case or not, well, I'll let you judge. Here is the clip:

Alex Jones is you? r / reddeadredemption

Now, if it's a direct reference to Alex Jones, who knows. It seems that this may be the case, and when you consider that the game is trying to please Donald Trump and former Attorney General Jeff Sessions, it is possible that Rockstar Games will make fun of a little reference to make fun of Jones . However, the references of Trump and Sessions were more obvious than this one. So I can not say one way or the other if this character, or this piece of dialogue, has something to do with Jones. But some players seem quite convinced.

Whatever the case, Red Dead Redemption 2 has a wide arrangement of eclectic characters, including this one. And it's a lot of these characters that make the little moments of the game so memorable.

Red Dead Redemption 2 is available for PlayStation 4 and Xbox One. For more information on the western, open-world, critically acclaimed western, click here. To learn more about the game, here is an excerpt from our official magazine, courtesy of Robert Workman.

"There's just something here that catches you, refuses to let go … Even when everything seems dark and you wonder if you're going to survive, the job well done is a real satisfaction." A well-oiled car stolen in a well kept refinery to survive a simple ambush where thugs make the mistake of trying to steal your horse in the country and discover something new – even the fishing has the impression of to be a dedicated part of the game. Fishing. "

As always, do not hesitate to leave a comment to tell us what you think or contact me on Twitter @Tyler_Fischer_ and drop your thoughts there. Is this a reference to Alex Jones?

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